Sunday, June 21, 2009

almost forgot the worm

The Shrimp
The Worm UGG!! In my living room!!

Newest Additions to the family

Blue (no name)

Clown fish/Nemo??
The Shrimp he is always upside down.
Windy, Zac, Travis and Nicole at the Kimmsiwick Strawberry festival!!! Super FUN!!
We are not really sure which side is up, but still cool picture.

Baby Viola at 9weeks. I think the baby looks like a little teddy bear!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Dad and Seth
Lauren and Seth
Jimmy, Dad and Reagan
Here is the family!! 

My obsession with a SW fish tank!

I have to tell you of my new obsession/hobby, a saltwater aquarium. I have never had fish before in my life, but I have always wanted one. A  SW tank is alot more work and very expensive, but most of that money is in the startup costs, equipment mostly. The wife and I settled on a corner tank, since it looks stylish and to make the wife happy since she is on the edge of thinking its a bad idea! LOL. So anyways maybe soon I will get my hands dirty and start my new hobby, but until then I will be researching it! I have always loved a good challenge!


When springs rolls around, I always think of vacations. Don't they sound so fun! Beach, the waves, and the sun. Its a great break from everyday life, actually I think it is a necessity. Here are a couple of pics from vacations past, while we plan our 2009 Vacation!

Welcome Friends!

Hello everybody, this is our new blog, chronicling the life of  Nicole and Travis.