Thursday, April 16, 2009


Dad and Seth
Lauren and Seth
Jimmy, Dad and Reagan
Here is the family!! 

My obsession with a SW fish tank!

I have to tell you of my new obsession/hobby, a saltwater aquarium. I have never had fish before in my life, but I have always wanted one. A  SW tank is alot more work and very expensive, but most of that money is in the startup costs, equipment mostly. The wife and I settled on a corner tank, since it looks stylish and to make the wife happy since she is on the edge of thinking its a bad idea! LOL. So anyways maybe soon I will get my hands dirty and start my new hobby, but until then I will be researching it! I have always loved a good challenge!


When springs rolls around, I always think of vacations. Don't they sound so fun! Beach, the waves, and the sun. Its a great break from everyday life, actually I think it is a necessity. Here are a couple of pics from vacations past, while we plan our 2009 Vacation!

Welcome Friends!

Hello everybody, this is our new blog, chronicling the life of  Nicole and Travis.